The Name Thats Above Every Other Name
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1.
Job 31 - 32
I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid? For what portion of God is there from above? and what inheritance of the Almighty from on high?
Job 31
31 I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?
2 For what portion of God is there from above? and what inheritance of the Almighty from on high?
3 Is not destruction to the wicked? and a strange punishment to the workers of iniquity?
4 Doth not he see my ways, and count all my steps?
5 If I have walked with vanity, or if my foot hath hasted to deceit;
6 Let me be weighed in an even balance that God may know mine integrity.
7 If my step hath turned out of the way, and mine heart walked after mine eyes, and if any blot hath cleaved to mine hands;
8 Then let me sow, and let another eat; yea, let my offspring be rooted out.
9 If mine heart have been deceived by a woman, or if I have laid wait at my neighbour's door;
10 Then let my wife grind unto another, and let others bow down upon her.
11 For this is an heinous crime; yea, it is an iniquity to be punished by the judges.
12 For it is a fire that consumeth to destruction, and would root out all mine increase.
13 If I did despise the cause of my manservant or of my maidservant, when they contended with me;
14 What then shall I do when God riseth up? and when he visiteth, what shall I answer him?
15 Did not he that made me in the womb make him? and did not one fashion us in the womb?
16 If I have withheld the poor from their desire, or have caused the eyes of the widow to fail;
17 Or have eaten my morsel myself alone, and the fatherless hath not eaten thereof;
18 (For from my youth he was brought up with me, as with a father, and I have guided her from my mother's womb;)
19 If I have seen any perish for want of clothing, or any poor without covering;
20 If his loins have not blessed me, and if he were not warmed with the fleece of my sheep;
21 If I have lifted up my hand against the fatherless, when I saw my help in the gate:
22 Then let mine arm fall from my shoulder blade, and mine arm be broken from the bone.
23 For destruction from God was a terror to me, and by reason of his highness I could not endure.
24 If I have made gold my hope, or have said to the fine gold, Thou art my confidence;
25 If I rejoice because my wealth was great, and because mine hand had gotten much;
26 If I beheld the sun when it shined, or the moon walking in brightness;
27 And my heart hath been secretly enticed, or my mouth hath kissed my hand:
28 This also were an iniquity to be punished by the judge: for I should have denied the God that is above.
29 If I rejoice at the destruction of him that hated me, or lifted up myself when evil found him:
30 Neither have I suffered my mouth to sin by wishing a curse to his soul.
31 If the men of my tabernacle said not, Oh that we had of his flesh! we cannot be satisfied.
32 The stranger did not lodge in the street: but I opened my doors to the traveller.
33 If I covered my transgressions as Adam, by hiding mine iniquity in my bosom:
34 Did I fear a great multitude, or did the contempt of families terrify me, that I kept silence, and went not out of the door?
35 Oh that one would hear me! behold, my desire is, that the Almighty would answer me, and that mine adversary had written a book.
36 Surely I would take it upon my shoulder, and bind it as a crown to me.
37 I would declare unto him the number of my steps; as a prince would I go near unto him.
38 If my land cry against me, or that the furrows likewise thereof complain;
39 If I have eaten the fruits thereof without money, or have caused the owners thereof to lose their life:
40 Let thistles grow instead of wheat, and cockle instead of barley. The words of Job are ended.
Job 32
32 So these three men ceased to answer Job, because he was righteous in his own eyes.
2 Then was kindled the wrath of Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite, of the kindred of Ram: against Job was his wrath kindled, because he justified himself rather than God.
3 Also against his three friends was his wrath kindled, because they had found no answer, and yet had condemned Job.
4 Now Elihu had waited till Job had spoken, because they were elder than he.
5 When Elihu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of these three men, then his wrath was kindled.
6 And Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite answered and said, I am young, and ye are very old; wherefore I was afraid, and durst not shew you mine opinion.
7 I said, Days should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom.
8 But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.
9 Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgment.
10 Therefore I said, Hearken to me; I also will shew mine opinion.
11 Behold, I waited for your words; I gave ear to your reasons, whilst ye searched out what to say.
12 Yea, I attended unto you, and, behold, there was none of you that convinced Job, or that answered his words:
13 Lest ye should say, We have found out wisdom: God thrusteth him down, not man.
14 Now he hath not directed his words against me: neither will I answer him with your speeches.
15 They were amazed, they answered no more: they left off speaking.
16 When I had waited, (for they spake not, but stood still, and answered no more;)
17 I said, I will answer also my part, I also will shew mine opinion.
18 For I am full of matter, the spirit within me constraineth me.
19 Behold, my belly is as wine which hath no vent; it is ready to burst like new bottles.
20 I will speak, that I may be refreshed: I will open my lips and answer.
21 Let me not, I pray you, accept any man's person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man.
22 For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away.
1 st Samuel
2 nd Samuel
1 st Kings
2 nd Kings
1. Chronicles
2. Chronicles
Psalms 1 - 50
Psalms 51 - 100
Psalms101 - 150
Song of Solomon
The Acts
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 john
"AF": "Afghanistan",
"AX": "Aland Islands",
"AL": "Albania",
"DZ": "Algeria",
AS": "American Samoa",
"AD": "Andorra",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguilla",
"AQ": "Antarctica",
"AG": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"AR": "Argentina",
"AM": "Armenia",
"AW": "Aruba",
"AU": "Australia",
"AT": "Austria",
"AZ": "Azerbaijan",
"BS": "Bahamas",
"BH": "Bahrain",
"BD": "Bangladesh",
"BB": "Barbados",
"BY": "Belarus",
"BE": "Belgium",
"BZ": "Belize",
"BJ": "Benin",
"BM": "Bermuda",
"BT": "Bhutan",
"BO": "Bolivia",
"BQ": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"BA": "Bosnia and hertz. "BW": "Botswana",
"BV": "Bouvet Island",
"BR": "Brazil",
"IO": "British Indian Ocean
"BN": "Brunei Darussalam",
"BG": "Bulgaria",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"KH": "Cambodia",
"CM": "Cameroon",
"CA": "Canada",
"CV": "Cape Verde",
"KY": "Cayman Islands",
"CF": "Central African Rep.
"TD": "Chad",
"CL": "Chile",
"CN": "China",
"CX": "Christmas Island",
"CC": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"CO": "Colombia",
"KM": "Comoros",
"CG": "Congo",
"CD": "Congo, the Democratic R
"CK": "Cook Islands",
"CR": "Costa Rica",
"CI": "Cote D'Ivoire",
"HR": "Croatia",
"CU": "Cuba",
"CW": "Curacao",
"CY": "Cyprus" G
"CY" "Cyprus" T
"CZ": "Czech Republic",
"DK": "Denmark",
"DJ": "Djibouti",
"DM": "Dominica",
"DO": "Dominican Republic",
"EC": "Ecuador",
"EG": "Egypt",
"SV": "El Salvador",
"GQ": "Equatorial Guinea",
"ER": "Eritrea",
"EE": "Estonia",
"ET": "Ethiopia",
"FK": "Falkland Islands
"FO": "Faroe Islands",
"FJ": "Fiji",
"FI": "Finland",
"FR": "France",
"GF": "French Guiana",
"PF": "French Polynesia",
"TF": "French Southern T
"GA": "Gabon",
"GM": "Gambia",
"GE": "Georgia",
"DE": "Germany",
"GH": "Ghana",
"GI": "Gibraltar",
"GR": "Greece",
"GL": "Greenland",
"GD": "Grenada",
"GP": "Guadeloupe",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GN": "Guinea",
"GW": "Guinea-Bissau",
"GY": "Guyana",
"HT": "Haiti",
"VA": "Holy See
"HN": "Honduras",
"HK": "Hong Kong",
"HU": "Hungary",
"IS": "Iceland",
"IN": "India",
"ID": "Indonesia",
"IR": "Iran, ,
"IQ": "Iraq",
"IE": "Ireland",
"IM": "Isle of Man",
"IL": "Israel",
"IT": "Italy",
"JM": "Jamaica",
"JP": "Japan",
"JE": "Jersey",
"JO": "Jordan",
"KZ": "Kazakhstan",
"KE": "Kenya",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"KP": "Korea, D.P.R.
"KR": "Korea,
"XK": "Kosovo",
"KW": "Kuwait",
"KG": "Kyrgyzstan",
"LA": "Lao P.D.R.
"LV": "Latvia",
"LB": "Lebanon",
"LS": "Lesotho",
"LR": "Liberia",
"LY": "Libyan Arab "LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Lithuania",
"LU": "Luxembourg",
"MO": "Macao",
"MK": "Macedonia,
"MG": "Madagascar",
"MW": "Malawi",
"MY": "Malaysia",
"MV": "Maldives",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malta",
"MH": "Marshall Islands",
"MQ": "Martinique",
"MR": "Mauritania",
"MU": "Mauritius",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"MX": "Mexico",
"FM": "Micronesia,
"MD": "Moldova, ",
"MC": "Monaco",
"MN": "Mongolia",
"ME": "Montenegro",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MA": "Morocco",
"MZ": "Mozambique",
"MM": "Myanmar",
"NA": "Namibia",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NP": "Nepal",
"NL": "Netherlands",
"AN": "Netherlands Antilles",
"NC": "New Caledonia",
"NZ": "New Zealand",
"NI": "Nicaragua",
"NE": "Niger",
"NG": "Nigeria",
"NU": "Niue",
"NF": "Norfolk Island",
"MP": "Northern Mariana Islands",
"NO": "Norway",
"OM": "Oman",
"PK": "Pakistan",
"PW": "Palau",
"PS": "Palestinian Territory,
"PA": "Panama",
"PG": "Papua New Guinea",
"PY": "Paraguay",
"PE": "Peru",
"PH": "Philippines",
"PN": "Pitcairn",
"PL": "Poland",
"PT": "Portugal",
"PR": "Puerto Rico",
"QA": "Qatar",
"RE": "Reunion",
"RO": "Romania",
"RU": "Russian Federation",
"RW": "Rwanda",
"BL": "Saint Barthelemy",
"SH": "Saint Helena",
"KN": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"LC": "Saint Lucia",
"MF": "Saint Martin"
"VC": "St Vincent and the Grenadines",
"WS": "Samoa",
"SM": "San Marino",
"ST": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"SA": "Saudi Arabia",
"SN": "Senegal",
"RS": "Serbia",
"CS": "Serbia and Montenegro",
"SC": "Seychelles",
"SL": "Sierra Leone",
"SG": "Singapore",
"SX": "Sint Maarten",
"SK": "Slovakia",
"SI": "Slovenia",
"SB": "Solomon Islands",
"SO": "Somalia",
"ZA": "South Africa",
"GS": "South Georgia South Sandwich Islands",
"SS": "South Sudan",
"ES": "Spain",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"SD": "Sudan",
"SR": "Suriname",
"SJ": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"SZ": "Swaziland",
"SE": "Sweden",
"CH": "Switzerland",
"SY": "Syrian Arab Republic",
"TW": "Taiwan,
"TJ": "Tajikistan",
"TZ": "Tanzania,
"TH": "Thailand",
"TL": "Timor-Leste",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tsonga",
"TT": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"TN": "Tunisia",
"TR": "Turkey",
"TM": "Turkmenistan",
"TC": "Turks and Caicos
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"UG": "Uganda",
"UA": "Ukraine",
"AE": "United Arab Emirates",
"GB": "Great Britain",
"US": "United States",
"UM": "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
"UY": "Uruguay",
"UZ": "Uzbekistan",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VE": "Venezuela",
"VN": "Viet Nam",
"VG": "Virgin Islands, British",
"VI": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"WF": "Wallis and Futuna",
"EH": "Western Sahara",
"YE": "Yemen",
"ZM": "Zambia",
"ZW": "Zimbabwe"