The Name Thats Above Every Other Name
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1.
Job 13 - 14
Lo, mine eye hath seen all this, mine ear hath heard and understood it. What ye know, the same do I know also: I am not inferior unto you. Surely I would speak to the Almighty, and I desire to reason with God. But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value. O that ye would altogether hold your peace! and it should be your wisdom. Hear now my reasoning, and hearken to the pleadings of my lips.
Job 13
13 Lo, mine eye hath seen all this, mine ear hath heard and understood it.
2 What ye know, the same do I know also: I am not inferior unto you.
3 Surely I would speak to the Almighty, and I desire to reason with God.
4 But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value.
5 O that ye would altogether hold your peace! and it should be your wisdom.
6 Hear now my reasoning, and hearken to the pleadings of my lips.
7 Will ye speak wickedly for God? and talk deceitfully for him?
8 Will ye accept his person? will ye contend for God?
9 Is it good that he should search you out? or as one man mocketh another, do ye so mock him?
10 He will surely reprove you, if ye do secretly accept persons.
11 Shall not his excellency make you afraid? and his dread fall upon you?
12 Your remembrances are like unto ashes, your bodies to bodies of clay.
13 Hold your peace, let me alone, that I may speak, and let come on me what will.
14 Wherefore do I take my flesh in my teeth, and put my life in mine hand?
15 Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.
16 He also shall be my salvation: for an hypocrite shall not come before him.
17 Hear diligently my speech, and my declaration with your ears.
18 Behold now, I have ordered my cause; I know that I shall be justified.
19 Who is he that will plead with me? for now, if I hold my tongue, I shall give up the ghost.
20 Only do not two things unto me: then will I not hide myself from thee.
21 Withdraw thine hand far from me: and let not thy dread make me afraid.
22 Then call thou, and I will answer: or let me speak, and answer thou me.
23 How many are mine iniquities and sins? make me to know my transgression and my sin.
24 Wherefore hidest thou thy face, and holdest me for thine enemy?
25 Wilt thou break a leaf driven to and fro? and wilt thou pursue the dry stubble?
26 For thou writest bitter things against me, and makest me to possess the iniquities of my youth.
27 Thou puttest my feet also in the stocks, and lookest narrowly unto all my paths; thou settest a print upon the heels of my feet.
28 And he, as a rotten thing, consumeth, as a garment that is moth eaten.
Job 14
14 Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble.
2 He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not.
3 And doth thou open thine eyes upon such an one, and bringest me into judgment with thee?
4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one.
5 Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months are with thee, thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass;
6 Turn from him, that he may rest, till he shall accomplish, as an hireling, his day.
7 For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease.
8 Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground;
9 Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant.
10 But man dieth, and wasteth away: yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?
11 As the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up:
12 So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep.
13 O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave, that thou wouldest keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me!
14 If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.
15 Thou shalt call, and I will answer thee: thou wilt have a desire to the work of thine hands.
16 For now thou numberest my steps: dost thou not watch over my sin?
17 My transgression is sealed up in a bag, and thou sewest up mine iniquity.
18 And surely the mountains falling cometh to nought, and the rock is removed out of his place.
19 The waters wear the stones: thou washest away the things which grow out of the dust of the earth; and thou destroyest the hope of man.
20 Thou prevailest for ever against him, and he passeth: thou changest his countenance, and sendest him away.
21 His sons come to honour, and he knoweth it not; and they are brought low, but he perceiveth it not of them.
22 But his flesh upon him shall have pain, and his soul within him shall mourn.
1 st Samuel
2 nd Samuel
1 st Kings
2 nd Kings
1. Chronicles
2. Chronicles
Psalms 1 - 50
Psalms 51 - 100
Psalms101 - 150
Song of Solomon
The Acts
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 john
"AF": "Afghanistan",
"AX": "Aland Islands",
"AL": "Albania",
"DZ": "Algeria",
AS": "American Samoa",
"AD": "Andorra",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguilla",
"AQ": "Antarctica",
"AG": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"AR": "Argentina",
"AM": "Armenia",
"AW": "Aruba",
"AU": "Australia",
"AT": "Austria",
"AZ": "Azerbaijan",
"BS": "Bahamas",
"BH": "Bahrain",
"BD": "Bangladesh",
"BB": "Barbados",
"BY": "Belarus",
"BE": "Belgium",
"BZ": "Belize",
"BJ": "Benin",
"BM": "Bermuda",
"BT": "Bhutan",
"BO": "Bolivia",
"BQ": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"BA": "Bosnia and hertz. "BW": "Botswana",
"BV": "Bouvet Island",
"BR": "Brazil",
"IO": "British Indian Ocean
"BN": "Brunei Darussalam",
"BG": "Bulgaria",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"KH": "Cambodia",
"CM": "Cameroon",
"CA": "Canada",
"CV": "Cape Verde",
"KY": "Cayman Islands",
"CF": "Central African Rep.
"TD": "Chad",
"CL": "Chile",
"CN": "China",
"CX": "Christmas Island",
"CC": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"CO": "Colombia",
"KM": "Comoros",
"CG": "Congo",
"CD": "Congo, the Democratic R
"CK": "Cook Islands",
"CR": "Costa Rica",
"CI": "Cote D'Ivoire",
"HR": "Croatia",
"CU": "Cuba",
"CW": "Curacao",
"CY": "Cyprus" G
"CY" "Cyprus" T
"CZ": "Czech Republic",
"DK": "Denmark",
"DJ": "Djibouti",
"DM": "Dominica",
"DO": "Dominican Republic",
"EC": "Ecuador",
"EG": "Egypt",
"SV": "El Salvador",
"GQ": "Equatorial Guinea",
"ER": "Eritrea",
"EE": "Estonia",
"ET": "Ethiopia",
"FK": "Falkland Islands
"FO": "Faroe Islands",
"FJ": "Fiji",
"FI": "Finland",
"FR": "France",
"GF": "French Guiana",
"PF": "French Polynesia",
"TF": "French Southern T
"GA": "Gabon",
"GM": "Gambia",
"GE": "Georgia",
"DE": "Germany",
"GH": "Ghana",
"GI": "Gibraltar",
"GR": "Greece",
"GL": "Greenland",
"GD": "Grenada",
"GP": "Guadeloupe",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GN": "Guinea",
"GW": "Guinea-Bissau",
"GY": "Guyana",
"HT": "Haiti",
"VA": "Holy See
"HN": "Honduras",
"HK": "Hong Kong",
"HU": "Hungary",
"IS": "Iceland",
"IN": "India",
"ID": "Indonesia",
"IR": "Iran, ,
"IQ": "Iraq",
"IE": "Ireland",
"IM": "Isle of Man",
"IL": "Israel",
"IT": "Italy",
"JM": "Jamaica",
"JP": "Japan",
"JE": "Jersey",
"JO": "Jordan",
"KZ": "Kazakhstan",
"KE": "Kenya",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"KP": "Korea, D.P.R.
"KR": "Korea,
"XK": "Kosovo",
"KW": "Kuwait",
"KG": "Kyrgyzstan",
"LA": "Lao P.D.R.
"LV": "Latvia",
"LB": "Lebanon",
"LS": "Lesotho",
"LR": "Liberia",
"LY": "Libyan Arab "LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Lithuania",
"LU": "Luxembourg",
"MO": "Macao",
"MK": "Macedonia,
"MG": "Madagascar",
"MW": "Malawi",
"MY": "Malaysia",
"MV": "Maldives",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malta",
"MH": "Marshall Islands",
"MQ": "Martinique",
"MR": "Mauritania",
"MU": "Mauritius",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"MX": "Mexico",
"FM": "Micronesia,
"MD": "Moldova, ",
"MC": "Monaco",
"MN": "Mongolia",
"ME": "Montenegro",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MA": "Morocco",
"MZ": "Mozambique",
"MM": "Myanmar",
"NA": "Namibia",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NP": "Nepal",
"NL": "Netherlands",
"AN": "Netherlands Antilles",
"NC": "New Caledonia",
"NZ": "New Zealand",
"NI": "Nicaragua",
"NE": "Niger",
"NG": "Nigeria",
"NU": "Niue",
"NF": "Norfolk Island",
"MP": "Northern Mariana Islands",
"NO": "Norway",
"OM": "Oman",
"PK": "Pakistan",
"PW": "Palau",
"PS": "Palestinian Territory,
"PA": "Panama",
"PG": "Papua New Guinea",
"PY": "Paraguay",
"PE": "Peru",
"PH": "Philippines",
"PN": "Pitcairn",
"PL": "Poland",
"PT": "Portugal",
"PR": "Puerto Rico",
"QA": "Qatar",
"RE": "Reunion",
"RO": "Romania",
"RU": "Russian Federation",
"RW": "Rwanda",
"BL": "Saint Barthelemy",
"SH": "Saint Helena",
"KN": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"LC": "Saint Lucia",
"MF": "Saint Martin"
"VC": "St Vincent and the Grenadines",
"WS": "Samoa",
"SM": "San Marino",
"ST": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"SA": "Saudi Arabia",
"SN": "Senegal",
"RS": "Serbia",
"CS": "Serbia and Montenegro",
"SC": "Seychelles",
"SL": "Sierra Leone",
"SG": "Singapore",
"SX": "Sint Maarten",
"SK": "Slovakia",
"SI": "Slovenia",
"SB": "Solomon Islands",
"SO": "Somalia",
"ZA": "South Africa",
"GS": "South Georgia South Sandwich Islands",
"SS": "South Sudan",
"ES": "Spain",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"SD": "Sudan",
"SR": "Suriname",
"SJ": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"SZ": "Swaziland",
"SE": "Sweden",
"CH": "Switzerland",
"SY": "Syrian Arab Republic",
"TW": "Taiwan,
"TJ": "Tajikistan",
"TZ": "Tanzania,
"TH": "Thailand",
"TL": "Timor-Leste",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tsonga",
"TT": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"TN": "Tunisia",
"TR": "Turkey",
"TM": "Turkmenistan",
"TC": "Turks and Caicos
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"UG": "Uganda",
"UA": "Ukraine",
"AE": "United Arab Emirates",
"GB": "Great Britain",
"US": "United States",
"UM": "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
"UY": "Uruguay",
"UZ": "Uzbekistan",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VE": "Venezuela",
"VN": "Viet Nam",
"VG": "Virgin Islands, British",
"VI": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"WF": "Wallis and Futuna",
"EH": "Western Sahara",
"YE": "Yemen",
"ZM": "Zambia",
"ZW": "Zimbabwe"